
24-hour service hotline


Cement resistance

Cement resistance

Product features:

1. Small size, shock and moisture resistance, and good heat dissipation

2. Completely insulated, with good insulation when used on circuit boards

3. It is resistant to short-term overload, low noise, and the resistance value remains unchanged over the years

4. Using oxide film instead of wire winding can produce high resistance resistors

5. Meets lead-free/RoHS requirements

Product consultation hotline:18617185077
Product details

9.jpg SQM:
功率 Power 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 阻值范圍 Value Range (Ω)
H ±1 W ±1 S ±1 P ±1 繞線 Wirewound 氧化膜 MOF
2W 20 11 7 5 0.1 - 100 83 - 10K
3W 25 12.5 9 5 0.1 - 150 151 - 50K
5W 25 13.5 9 5 0.1 - 150 151 - 50K
7W 39 13 9 5 0.1 - 430 431 - 50K
10WS 35 16 12 7 0.1 - 300 301 - 100K
10W 51 13 9 5 0.1 - 470 471 - 75K
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