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Cement ceramic resistance

Cement ceramic resistance

Product features:

1. Small size, shock and moisture resistance, and good heat dissipation

2. Completely insulated, with good insulation when used on circuit boards

3. It is resistant to short-term overload, low noise, and the resistance value remains unchanged over the years

4. Using oxide film instead of wire winding can produce high resistance resistors

5. Meets lead-free/RoHS requirements

Product consultation hotline:18617185077
Product details


功率 Power 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 阻值范圍 Value Range (Ω)
P±1 L±1 H±1 H1±1 H2±2 W±1 W1±1 h±0.1 繞線 Wirewound 氧化膜 MOF
10W 30 48 10.5 7.5 18 10 5 2.5 0.5 - 600 601 - 50K
15W 32 48 12.5 7.5 21 12.5 6 2.5 1.0 - 600 601 - 150K
20W 43 63.5 13.5 7.5 22 12.5 6 2.5 1.0 - 1.0K 1.1K - 150K
30W 54 75 19 10 30 19 7.5 3 1.0 - 2.0K 1.1K - 150K
40W 68 90 19 10 30 19 7.5 3 1.0 - 2.0K 1.1K - 150K
功率 Power 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 阻值范圍 Value Range (Ω)
W1±0.5 W2 ±1 W3±0.5 W4±1.5 H1±1.5 H2±1.5 L1±1.5 L2±1.5 繞線 Wirewound 氧化膜 MOF
10W 12 14 6 10 10.5 7 48 30 0.5 - 450 470 - 100K
15W 12 14 6 12 12.5 7 48 31.5 1.0 - 500 510 - 100K
20W 12 14 6 12 14 7 63 42 1.0 - 600 620 - 100K
30W 18 18 8 19 19 9 75 53 2.0 - 500 510 - 100K
40W 18 18 8 19 19 9 90 70 0.1 - 600 620 - 100K

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